Who Is Uchenna Obiezu?
Life as the source of every living substance that is good is a just giver - life has given me an equal opportunity to be a better person, He has granted me the opportunity to love and cherish people, as the Author of great future - even when I perform below expectation, Life is indeed just to grant me more chances to make up for my hunting past where I failed.
Indeed, Life is good to me; for I taste, see and experience this every living moments of my life.
Life is indeed merciful and loving to me, slow to anger and always compassionate to me!
It is my goal and mission in life to make everyone I come in contact with to see life from a different perspective. It is imperative we embrace how important our attitude to life should be.
Despite being merciful and full of compassion, what we receive of life is undoubtedly the measure we continuously give to life. Many are guided with erroneous religion, culture and vain background about life; many believe that they are the author of their own life; but are veiled to the living light that no life exist without the true life "HIMSELF" and the this true LIFE lives in them.
It takes a deep but inner search for man to identify himself, and for man to really know who he is, he must go back to his maker living in him - this is the true meaning of life, and for this purpose I was created. My mission is to help man discover himself and in this discovery, we will recover all that man has lost in his past culture.
It's really amazing to discover that the true meaning of life and His purpose is in man; but many are looking for these answers in wrong places - for success is inherent in man; so is prosperity permanently living in man. A great and untapped resources of positive and great power of influence is richly abiding in man - It will only take an illumined state of understanding to perfectly tap and refine this resource of power in man.
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Uchenna Obiezu